This workshop aimed to discuss how digital history of science projects are conducted in different organizations around the world. The workshop was of interest to anyone with similar projects and we welcomed those interested to attend. We believe that this provided an excellent opportunity to learn about and discuss various digital history of science projects.
Thursday 11 January 2024 at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Lilla Frescativägen 4, Stockholm. Metro Red line towards Mörby Centrum, stop Universitetet.
Workshop was conducted in English.
Digital History of Academies of Sciences
13:00 Introduction & Welcome by Secretary General Hans Ellegren and Karl Grandin
13:15 Jacob Orrje (RSAS) “From folios to the web: The 280-year history of making, transcribing and digitizing the minutes of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences”
13:45 Rainer Godel (Leopoldina) “Development – Research – Networks: Digitization and Digital Humanities at the German National Academy Leopoldina”
14:15 Isabelle Charmantier (Linnean Society), “The Linnean Society’s online collections and digital records”
14:45 Christian Joas (Niels Bohr Archives),Bohr and Beyond: Going Digital at the Niels Bohr Archive
15:15 Coffee Break
15:45 Trienke van der Spek (Teyler’s Museum) “Teylers Museum goes digital: from the first Dutch museum website to Linked Open Data”
16:15 Keith Moore (Royal Society),“The Royal Society Library and Archive: Digital activities”
16:45 Brigitte van Tiggelen & Michelle Di Meo (Science History Institute, hybrid) “Digital collections at the Science History Institute”
17:15 General discussion