Knowledge in motion online

In the years 2013–2019, the Center for the History of Science coordinated a research program, “Science and modernization in Sweden: An institutional approach to historicizing the knowledge society”. The program was financed by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.

Knowledge in motion

This resulted, among other things, in the volume Knowledge in motion. Now the book’s chapters are published as pdfs here. We have deleted  illustrations that we do not have the rights to publish online. If there is something we missed – let us know.

The analog version (i.e the book) can be purchased from the publisher Makadam at:
Buy Knowledge in motion


About the book • JOHAN KÄRNFELT

Part I: The History of the Academy

1 | A tricky equation
2 |  The formal framework Mission and organisation-AThe formal framework Mission and organisation-B
3 | The practical and material framework Members, buildings and economy-AThe practical and material framework Members, buildings and economy-B
4 | The Academy of Sciences as a bridgehead for knowledge policy 1739–1820
5 | The academy that academicised 1820–1904
6 | The Academy of Sciences as the spider in the web 1904–1969
7 | Fragments of the Academy’s contemporary history

Notes and references, Part I

Part II: From the Archive

About the picture essays • JOHAN KÄRNFELT

Circulation and medialisation

The rank and file of the Academy of Sciences • THOMAS KAISERFELD
Franking privileges • JENNY BECKMAN
Solving pressing problems by prizing praised proposals • THOMAS KAISERFELD
Pressing paper peat • JENNY BECKMAN
The National Committees • NINA WORMBS
The heart of the planet • SVERKER SÖRLIN
The Nordenskiöld game • STAFFAN BERGWIK
Modelling the atomic age • KARL GRANDIN
The Santa scientist • SOLVEIG JÜLICH
“Poor, poor Academy of Sciences” • THOMAS KAISERFELD

Practices and materialities

Northern lights, paper and pencil • GUSTAV HOLMBERG
Kites and balloons • NINA WORMBS
The patchwork panorama • STAFFAN BERGWIK
What the watercolourist did not know • SVERKER SÖRLIN
Astronomical cartography • JOHAN KÄRNFELT
An unsuccessful mount • JOHAN KÄRNFELT
Calculation work • GUSTAV HOLMBERG
Calculating machines • NINA WORMBS
A museum to enlighten the curious • KARL GRANDIN
Complex systems • ANNA TUNLID

Orders of knowledge

Second class post • JOHAN KÄRNFELT
The will of an Ice Age sceptic • CHRISTER NORDLUND
Arrhenius in the Session Hall • STAFFAN BERGWIK
Power and the observatory • SVEN WIDMALM
Academic uniform • CHRISTER NORDLUND
The Nobel Prize and Nazism • SVEN WIDMALM
Travelled territories • KARL GRANDIN
Red water lilies and other natural monuments • ANNA TUNLID
Trustworthy time • GUSTAV HOLMBERG

The art of remembering

Science clipped • SOLVEIG JÜLICH
Collecting scientists • SVEN WIDMALM
On the field station’s veranda • ANNA TUNLID
Swedenborg’s return • CHRISTER NORDLUND
The Annual Meeting • JENNY BECKMAN
The population medal • SOLVEIG JÜLICH
A Linnaean triptych • HENRIK BJÖRCK

Afterword • SVEN WIDMALM