In the Linneaus Hall at the KVA, the Center for the History of Science celebrated its first 30 year with the international symposium “The conditions and possibilities for the scientific heritage”.
Lectures were held by Mats Fridlund (MPI WG Berlin) who talked about “History of science and technology heritage and the challenge of digital humanities”, Helge Kragh (NBA, Copenhagen), talked about “Libraries of scientists, a resource for the history of science”, then, Sofia Talas (Padua U) discussed “Difficulties and potential of scientific instruments heritage in universities” and Klaus Staubermann (ICOM Germany) concluded with “Scientific instruments and intangible heritage”. The celebrations then continued by paying attention to the fact that the SMS program is about to finish as the English version, Knowledge in Motion, had arrived from the printer. A discussion on this topic was initiated by Peter Collins (Royal Society), who, among other things, reflected on the historical roles of academies on the basis of his own book Royal Society and the promotion of science since 1960. Then a panel discussion followed with Jenny Beckman, Henrik Björck, Peter Collins, Johan Kärnfelt & Sven Widmalm, who completed the program.
The participants then celebrated with a dinner in the Klubb villa.